Monday, January 5, 2009

TPPC - Day 1

First blog of the year!! YEAH for 2009!

I'm sitting here on the couch at the College Station Hilton after lunch waiting to attend the first session of the workshop. This morning I attended the Keynote Speaker. She was great. I hate sitting for long periods of time. I actually sat there for over 2 hours!! I KNOW!!

I enjoy the fact that we now do the Business luncheon and awards banquet the first day at lunch! Makes attending the Workshop a lot easier! There is not as many people in attendance this year and a lot of my friends are not here. I guess I'll have to make new friends!

Jen, Kristi and I are sick again this year! We all have the head congestion thing happening. Yesterday I thought my face was going to explode! NOT FUN!!

Day One of Sessions are over - I wasn't that impressed with the famed Jeff Ellis of Jeff Ellis & Associates. Famed lifeguard that strayed away from American Red Cross way of lifeguarding and formed his own company. Again - not that impressed. I actually zoned out for about 30 minutes during his session! I did enjoy the second the second session I got a lot out of it that I can take back and use. Even Eric and any one else in Recreation can use what I got out of it.

Tonight is the Vendor/Casino Night!

Hope you are enjoying my adventures!