Happy New Year!! Here is to a prosperous 2012!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
A day of firsts!
Ella had her first "serious" session of Tummy Time. She hated it!!
After her "work out" she had a bottle and fell asleep. I thought it would be a good time to "try out" her crib! That nap lasted about an hour!!
We'll try again tomorrow!! On both counts!!
![]() |
"I don't want to do this anymore!!" |
Posted by Erica at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 16, 2011
I love taking Ella out in public! Everybody wants to look at her. Well she is pretty darn cute. But every woman older than me has to give me advise on how to raise her!!
I was standing in line at Wal-Mart tonight and the lady in front of me looked at Ella and asked if she was a boy or a girl. Granted, she was dressed in a baby blue sleeper! Not bothered by that! When I told her that the baby was a girl, the woman did tell me that she was beautiful!! Again, I already knew that! She then turned back around and told me never let strangers touch her because there were germs around! REALLY?!?!!!
I know these ladies mean well, they just crack me up. Do they honestly think that every woman that has a baby will put their babies in danger if they don't step in and give advise? I really hope when I get older I don't become one of them!!
Ella, if your Mommy starts acting like them, you have the authority to slap me!!
Posted by Erica at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 10, 2011
1 Month
Ella is one month old today!! It's hard to believe that four weeks have already passed.
She has changed so much in these few weeks. She started off not gaining weight like her doctor said she should Now I think I need to out her on a Baby Diet!! Just kidding!!
She's a pretty good sleeper. She usually sleeps about 3 hours at a time. Some nights she gives me 4 hours!!
We started breast feeding at birth bit when she wasn't gaining weight Dr. Olivio suggested supplementing formula to help her gain weight. She loved the instant gratification that the bottle gave her. Each time I would try to breast feed she would fight me at it. Each time was getting worse and worse; to where I was in tears I was getting so frustrated. So now I pump and store and she gets a bottle. We are both happy!!
Right now, Ella pretty much just eats, sleeps, and poops. But she does like to ride in the car to visit people. She doesn't seem to be anxious meeting new people. She loves just "looking" around at her surroundings. I think she'll be a People Watcher like her Mommy!!
She loves her dog and he lives her!! I've changed his name to Bubba T. I don't think Turd is an appropriate name for a child to call a dog!! Edgar is still on the fence with Ella. He has made strides to actually be in the same room as her now!!
We go to the doctor on Tuesday. I'll report then on her growth.
Ella, Mommy & Daddy love you so much and are very thankful that you chose us to be your parents!! I enjoy every day with you and can't wait to see what kind of women you grow to become!! Happy 1st Month!! I love you, Bug!!
Posted by Erica at 5:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Bedford had their Annual Holiday Tree Lighting! We didn't make it to the actual lighting of the tree. But we did make the perfect timing to stand in line to get our picture taken with & Mrs. Clause!! Danny was worried that she would wake up and start crying! As you can see she was perfect!!

Posted by Erica at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Ella did some traveling today!! Longest she's been in the car since birth!!
We had our first stop in Plano and had lunch with my family!! Cousin Sydney sure does love having a brand new baby cousin!! It's like having a living doll!! Ella got to also meet her cousins Jessica and Matthew!
I have never had to split my time between families before! My family was a bit surprised when we had to leave to make the trek to Krum to have dimmer with Dan's family!!
We did have to cut one family dinner out because we were supposed to eat an early dinner and then go to the hospital to visit Mamaw Abbie. She had been admitted into the hospital the day before. But when we got out there nobody was there!! There was a miscommunication we were to go to the hospital then eat. I didn't want to get Ella back out and take her to a place with sick people so we stayed at the house!!
After all the visiting she did, Ella was a great baby all day long!!
Happy Turkey Day, Bug! Daddy and I love you so much and are very thankful to have you in our lives!!
Posted by Erica at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, November 7 with Dr. Vallery. She informed me that it was time! She didn't want me to go any further with my pregnancy!! I was going to meet my daughter this week! We were going to induce Thursday morning. After she explained what the procedure was and what I was to expect.
I was okay with everything until I got in the car and called Danny. I let him know that it was going to be this week and I just cried! THIS WAS REALLY HAPPENING!! I really was going to bring a new person into this world!!
We arrived at the hospital on Wednesday, November 9 around 9:00 PM. I was induced on Thursday morning around 7 AM. Dr. Vallery came in around 8 AM to check on my progress. After breaking my water, Dr. V informed me that my uterus was talked behind my pelvis. She said that she has seen women delivered with the same condition. Few, but she has seen it done! I was dilated to about 1.5 cm and 75% effaced.
Dr. V came back around 12:30 PM. She checked me again, my uterus has come out from behind my pelvis some and I was now dilated to 2 cm and 80% effaced. She removed one of the sensors that was on my stomach to detect my contractions and put me on one that would measure my contractions from inside. She said if they were strong enough, they would help with the dilation and help bring her down.
I had some GREAT contractions!! Mom, Dan, and I watched the monitor and I knew that I was at least dilate to a 4 or 5 cm with the strength of contractions that I was having! Boy was I WRONG!! I had only dilated to 2.5 cm! We could have waited to see if I was going to dilate any further, but who knew how long that was going to take!
After discussing it with Dr. Vallery, Dan and I decided we should go ahead and do a C-Section. When we made the decision to go ahead with it, we knew it would be a matter of minutes before we could meet our bundle of joy! Sure enough, we got into surgery 20 mins later and at 6:08 PM, Ella Faith made her grand entrance into the world!!
Posted by Erica at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Almost Here!!
I met with Dr Vallery yesterday. The day has been set. I will be checking into Labor & Delivery on Wednesday at 8:00 PM!! I will be induced for delivery on Thursday!!
Ella Faith Guest will soon be here!! She could be here as early as Thursday afternoon or even here on Friday. I know there are quite a few people that are hoping for Friday (11-11-11)!! The luckiest day!! I don't care what day she gets here, I just want to meet her!! I want to love and kiss on her!!
I can't wait to meet my Little Princess!!
Ella, I want you to know, that Daddy and I feel very lucky that you have chosen us to be your parents!! And we can't wait to meet you!!
Posted by Erica at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Last Weekend?
Danny & I were enjoying our Traditional Sunday ritual. He makes breakfast and we eat it in bed and then snuggle while we catch up on the weeks shows that are on the DVR and then watch Texas Country Reporter.
While watching TCR - he turned to me and said, "This could be the last weekend that it's just the two of us!" WOW!! I hadn't really thought of it that way. After she is born we will no longer just be the "two of us". We will be a FAMILY!!
We will be Mommy, Daddy & Baby!!
We both know that this weekend is not the end of the world, but the begining of our life!! Our new life! A life we both never concieved would ever happen for either one of us!!
Danny, Thank you so much for coming into my life! I love you more and more everyday!! And I know you will make a wonderful father to our Ella and other children in the future!! I can't wait to see where this journey will lead us!! And here is to our LAST WEEKEND AS THE TWO OF US!!
Posted by Erica at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Food Cooking Day!
We gathered today at Sarah's house to partake in a family tradition. Food Cooking Day! It's a day where the Mom-to-Be chooses 4-6 dishes that are to be cooked and frozen by the other family members so the new parents have less to worry about when they get home from the hospital. Usually the Mom-to-Be also helps.
Not this time!! I got there a bit late and Mom, Sarah, Shelley and Liz had already gotten started on prepping all the food supplies to be divided up amongst the recipes. So I had a Tea Party with a Naked Jay Bird and a Super Friend Soccer Player! YEP!! I think I had the most fun!!
Dan & I have several days worth of dinners prepared by these AWESOME ladies! I just hope Dan likes the food as much as I do!!
I wish I had taken my camera to get pictures of the food that was being prepared and of my Tea Party Attendees!! But atlas I did not!! Oh, well!!!
Posted by Erica at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 3, 2011
New Baby!!
Dang, is she cute or what?!? But I've noticed that my sister and brother-in-law produce cookie cutter kids!! All three looked exactly a like when they came out!! No denying who they belong too!!
Much love to my sister, Barbara and b-i-l, Blaine!!! Here is to a job well done!! Can't wait to meet her in person and to introduce you guys to your niece when she arrives!!
Posted by Erica at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
News on the Baby Front
I was placed on bed rest yesterday during my weekly appointment. My first reaction was that I was just slapped in the face. That I've done something wrong. The more I thought about it, the better I felt about it. My blood pressure is getting too high for me to continue to work and carry Ella safely. So at home I'll stay!
I did ask if this means that we would be pushing up her delivery date, Dr. Vallery said that we were going to try to 38 weeks, but more than likely she would be inducing at 37 weeks! So there is a good chance that she will be born on 11-11-11!!
I'll keep you guys posted!
Posted by Erica at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 23, 2011
More pictures of Ella's Room!
Posted by Erica at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 21, 2011
So where do I start with this? My biological father and I haven't always been in contact with each other. Actually the last time I saw him, it was Christmas of 1977! Then in the Fall of 2003 I get a call on my answering machine out of the blue from him!! REALLY?!?!? 26 years later I get a phone call from him? But the funny thing was, I wasn't upset. I had been trying to find him for several years. I had given up all hope on finding him when he called.
But after that it seemed to all go to hell! After all the years of wondering, I was put into a position that I had to be the one that reached out and made contact. I would ask questions. I would give information. Once I was asked to fly to Fiji to visit. Carole and Mark had won a trip to visit. Carole's kids didn't live that far from. I looked up ticket prices and it was going to cost me over $1,000.00 just for the ticket! It was less than $200 for each one of them! They could have offered to help with the cost if it meant that much to them. I asked several time when they were coming to the states to visit. Never got an answer. Did they not understand that driving is a lot cheaper than flying? If they were already planned to visit, then they weren't going out of their way to pay for a cost they were already going to spend.
Well, I could go on, but that isn't what this is about. I decided to clean out an email box that I don't check on all that much. Well, in doing so, I found that I had 4 emails from Carole. The first one had me a bit confused. The second one was written two months later. It was filled with a bit of vinegar and anger. But I figured out what it was about. My biological father had passed away. The third and forth emails were filled with hate and anger. But understandable, she thought I had totally dismissed her emails without a care or concern for her or for my father.
I do care, I was thrown for a loop when I received those emails. The way I see it, Mark told her that he couldn't contact me because it would be interfering with me life. But if I wanted to be a part of theirs then I needed to step it up. I'm sorry; I may be an adult but in this situation I am still the child. He walked out of my life, not the other way around. He did extend a hand to me but again, it wasn't my responsibility to keep feeding information and not get any in return!
So how do I feel about all this? To be honest...I don't know. I'm sad, heart broken, relieved, disgusted, void of feeling, over run with feeling. I feel everything and nothing at the same time!!
I'm sorry that we never had the type of relationship that you wanted us to have. That I wanted us to have.
Posted by Erica at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Ella had her second Baby Shower yesterday! And boy did she clean up!! I took Dan's Suburban to Sherman. And I'm so glad that I did!! My car would have been dragging the ground!! The car was FILLED with new loot for the small child!!
After spending the first part of the day snuggled in bed with Dan (it was cold and rainy this morning!) We got up and went to the grocery store and then we started to unload the car with the groceries and gifts! It took us three trips each and we looked at each other and said we could come back later for the rest!
While Dan put away the groceries and started dinner, I started on putting away gifts. In doing so, I also had an opportunity to straighten Ella's room! Most of her clothes are put away or hung up! I don't have enough bins for her clothes!! And that's not counting the clothes that she got yesterday or the stuff that she will get next week when we go to her last shower at Aunt Leigh's!
After finishing up her room, I had to stop and look around; she has taken over EVERY room in this apartment!! How does something so small and helpless, take up so much space? And how does someone that isn't even here yet, allow you to feel so much love?
Posted by Erica at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 3, 2011
Our Fried Adventure!
After discussing it for what seems like forever! Dan agreed to ride the TRE and DART to the State Fair. He's never taken public transportation beside riding the bus in Jr High!! He doesn't like having the rely on a set schedule and it not being a little more flexible!!
We did get off to a bad start on the TRE! There was a family with two small boys (18 m and about 2 yrs). Mom and Dad must have thought it was going to be a good idea to ride the train with them missing their naps! The youngest cried almost the entire time we were on the train!! They even got off and transfer ed to the DART with us!! We waited until the family boarded a car and we got on another!! Hee Hee!!! But once we changed cars at the transfer the ride was perfect!! And the ride home was fun as well! We couldn't have timed it better!!
Thanks, Baby for taking a leap of faith and riding the TRE with me!!
Posted by Erica at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Summer is OVER!!
All the kids have gone back to school. Dog Splash is over!! The pools are officially CLOSED!! Now I can slow down!!
9 more weeks until I go on Maternity Leave!! But I still have so much to do! I need to get all the Job Descriptions together. Update and organize the Aquatic Manual for the 2012 Aquatic Season. WHAT?!?!? I'm already thinking about next summer! AM I A SICK PERSON OR WHAT???!!!
For Ella I still need to organize her room. Clean out her closet (Daddy has too much clothes in there!!) Take the Prepared Birth class. Clean my car and make it presentable for my little one!
I know I will get everything done! I always do!!
Posted by Erica at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Ella Faith - 29 weeks!
You weighed in today at the doctor at 2 lb 11 oz! Dr Vallery says you are developing just as you should!! Your heart rate sounds good and is beginning to slow down, again, you are right on target!! I LOVE hearing you heart beat!
Daddy and I are slowly getting your room finished and ready for you!! At least you have a crib to sleep in!!
Posted by Erica at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Time Flies!!
WOW!! Summer is almost over!! I just have my Dog Splash Day at the pool and then I'm done with the summer!!
What does that mean? It means that I don't have too much longer to meet this sweet little girl taht is growing inside me!! We have about 11.5 weeks until she arrives!!
Posted by Erica at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I thought I was done with going to classes and learning! I now have to register for Birthing Classes! But I'm kind of excited!!
1. Infant Safety/CPR and Car Seat
2. Infant Basic Care
3. Prepared Child Birth
4. Labor and Delivery Tour
Will Dan & I get these classes done in time? We'll see!!
Until the next time.....
Posted by Erica at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 6, 2011
6 months!!
WOW!! We are already 24 weeks!! Ella is growing and kicking up a storm!! I can't believe in a few short months, she will be here!! I can't wait!!
I got started on her registry tonight!! Damn, that was more fun than our wedding registry!!
I can't wait to decorate her room!! We are doing her room in Classic Pooh with accents of green/blue/pink!
Ella Faith, Mommy & Daddy can't wait to meet you in person!! I know you are going to be one of the sweetest girls!
Posted by Erica at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Swollen Feet!
WOW!! This summer has been horrible!! We are having record breaking heat waves and record breaking temperatures. We are now on day 32 in a row for 100+ temperatures! I don't know if I can much more of this heat!!
My feet have defiantly felt the pain from the heat!! They are swelling up like sausages!! Not sure if it's from the heat or being 24 weeks pregnant?!?!
Posted by Erica at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 8, 2011
20 Weeks!
We are 20 weeks!! We also found out the person growing inside of me will be a little GIRL!!
The STREAK continues!! I guess the men in my family cannot produce BOYS!!
We have decided to go with the name Ella Faith Guest!!
Little Ella! I can't wait to meet you!! Daddy and I love you so much already!! You have given us a sense of LOVE that we never thought we would feel!!
Posted by Erica at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 26, 2011
My new life!
Two days ago I married my Best Friend!! We had a wonderful wedding and a great reception!
Man, was the day of the wedding stressful!?!?! I'm glad that it is over, but I'm also sad that it is over! I mean, the stress of the wedding is gone but so is the family and friends that were able to attend and celebrate with us on Our Special Day!!
We didn't have a Honeymoon in the traditional sense. We just stayed in Downtown Fort Worth for the weekend and walked around Sundance Square. We went to lunch at Jake's Hamburgers and saw a movie. We went to dinner and then came back to the room and treated ourselves to another movie.
We laughed and cried all weekend. Dan and I are so happy to be able to start our lives as a family! We are very excited about Wednesday! We find out what we are having! As long as the baby is Healthy and Happy, I don't care about what gender the baby is!! I'll be happy either way!!
Posted by Erica at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 13, 2011
11 days and counting!!
On June 24th, I will be come Mrs. Danny Joe Guest, Jr!! I've never been this happy in my entire life!! He makes me so happy!!
I hope to continue to make you as happy as you make me!!
Posted by Erica at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Ring!
Posted by Erica at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
Baby Update
Went to visit the doctor today! Everything is looking good!! Didn't get an updated photo of the little baby growing inside me!!
We find out the gender on June 29th!! YEAH!!
More updates as I get them!!
Posted by Erica at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
2nd Appointment
So I went in on Friday, May 6th for the second appointment with Dr. Vallery! They took my vitals, weight, blood pressure, etc. The nurse took me to the room so she could try to hear the heartbeat. She told me not to worry if we couldn't hear it with the Doppler, she said you usually have a harder time between 10-12 weeks. Well, we didn't hear it. So when Dr. V came into the room she told me we would have to hear it by "cheating"! I'm so glad we did!! I got a second ultrasound!!
I got to see how much that little peanut has grown in three and half weeks! I was truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen!! The little things was dancing!! She/He gets that from me!! She/He also waved at the "camera".
How can something so small, cause me to fall totally in love with her/him? I can't wait to meet my small little child! To see what she/he grows up to become!! I'm so ready for this adventure!!
I love you, Little One!!
Posted by Erica at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 22, 2011
Let the count down begin!
We had our first pre-natal exam last week! Dan was so sweet! He sat in the lobby for about an hour and a half waiting for me to come out. He seemed a little disappointed at first thinking I was going to get to see the baby without him!!
After the physical part of the exam was over the Office Manager fetched him to come on back for the ultrasound! He was so nervous and excited! He held my hand as we got to see the tiny little peanut! But when we heard the heart beat; we both squeezed each others hands and shed a little tear of pure happiness!!
I really like our doctor, Dr. Vallery! She awesome!! She kept telling me because I "was old" that I'll have to see a Specialist for High Risk births, so far I only have to go twice!
So far this adventure has been such an amazing journey! Can't wait to see where life is going to take us and what kind of child I have! I know he/she is going to be amazing!!
Posted by Erica at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 21, 2011
Posted by Erica at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I found him!!
After many years of searching for the perfect man for me, I have finally found him!! He is wonderful!! He's cute and funny! Smart, witty! Charmning! Love family! So far all those in my family have really liked him!!
Posted by Erica at 3:52 PM 0 comments