Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Week 2

Okay; so I think I have a really fantastic staff this summer. They mesh, they have fun while still being professional. They are a great group of kids!

Well, today I got an email from a lady complaining that one of my staff was DANCING between stands and that was EXTREMELY inappropriate! REALLY?!? You are going to complain that my staff is having a good time and trying to make the visits for our patron more enjoyable as well!!

Earlier this week we had a parent complain about our swim lesson program starting a week after HEB got out of school! All the other school districts got out a week later than we did!! REALLY! He was mad and wanted to know who he could talk to about this and that it was unacceptable!!

Oh, well! I only have 11 more weeks until the kids go back to school!! But who's counting?