Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Mile Stone for Erica

I just signed my lease on my apartment! You may be thinking..."that's not that big of a deal"! Well, you would be right, but I haven't lived in the same place for more than a years since living in Denton when I went back to school. And even then I never lived in the same apartment for more than 14 months!

I'm very excited about this!
1. No packing!
2. No paying to have things disconnected
3. No paying deposits to have things connected
4. No memorizing a new address!
5. No moving
6. No UNpacking and cleaning up after that!!

As much as I would love to move to South Carolina to be closer to my sister! Right now is just not a good time to be making that move. I have stuff here I need to accomplish first! Then I'll think about moving to another state!