Friday, February 17, 2012

Jessica Faye

I love you so much but you makes me want to pull my hair out!

The Cuteness

Last night while Ella was swinging in her swing; she kept spitting out her pacey and then putting it back in her mouth. All by herself!!

Well she spit it out one last time and it fell almost to her stomach. Dan bet her she couldn't get it back in her mouth!!

Sure enough, she got it in her mouth and Daddy paid up!!

Never bet against The Cuteness!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A few of my favorite things

My daughter & husband
My family - entire blended family
Ella falling asleep on my chest
Ella's sweet smile
My husband's sweet kisses
The joy of being a wife and mother
My 10 year old cat - Edgar
Body pillows
Watching Ella sleep
Listening to Ella suck on her finger
The sound of my little girls' laughter especially when they are all together
Being Ella's mommy
Being Danny's wife
Watching Ella sleep
My "conversations" with Ella
Being greeted at the door by Turdy
Baby yawns
Toothless grins

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

We cleaned out the DVR. Took a nap. Dan went to the grocery store. We recorded the game so we could fast forward to the commercials!

Funny thing is that most of the commercials are YouTube!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Help

Dan and I just finished watching THE HELP. That movie/book should be required viewing/reading by every person!!

You is kind...
You is smart...
You is important...

Every child should be told this on a daily bases. But one more phase should be added.

You is loved!